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Beam Me Up!



It's been decided that the upmonsters are actually aliens, and they're trying to get back to their UFO. But before they do, they have to reach it, which is obscured by clouds that the upmonsters have to jump on, farther up and up until they get to it. Then, once they get close enough, the UFO's beam pulls them up inside, like this:


And then a new level starts with an all-new upmonster. So that's what I've been doing all day: Working on this game, adding tons of stuff to it. I'm surprised I haven't got to 16k yet, which is what I want the limit to be. I'm going to try to fit it all in 16k, but it's no big deal if I can't. And the goal for the 2P game is still the same: Outlast your opponent. So yeah, a few hours' work. I got up earlier than usual.

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