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Turning around



I've been trying to stay up later so I can go to sleep later so I can lead a more normal life. Yesterday I went to sleep at noon instead of about 7am. Partly due to the fact that the neighbor's dog got loose again and came up to our window a couple times, and our dog kept barking at it. And it just stood there like nothing was wrong. Idiot dog. Oh well.

I got up at about midnight. And I worked on the Pokemon Party Mini 2 game I was working on. Last time I worked on it was July 7 apparently. I was just starting a Doodle-Jump-type game on it. Well, I had been working on Upmonsters, so I felt compelled to use some logic from that game. It didn't work. So I went back to what I was doing before. A few hours later, it started working. So I posted it on my website.


And it's a lot easier to do if there's only two platforms to worry about. I had to make the pokemon that big to get the detail into it. If I made it 8x8 it would just look like a blob. At least now I think it sort of resembles a kangaskhan

So anyway, that's what I've been doing, apart from trying to work at making White Water Madness a somewhat playable and enjoyable game. Yeah, I think I might give up on that.


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Do you really sleep during the day and stay up all night? Is it because you work late night shifts? Just curious.



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Since I don't have a life, I just go to sleep whenever I get sleepy, which apparently is a lot. I usually sleep for about 12 hours each day, but I am realizing that that way I spend half my life sleeping, so I am trying to stay up longer.

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Ah, I see. May I recommend something? How about trying to stay awake during the day and sleep at night? That way, you can have more chances during the day to interact with other people and perform some other activities that require daylight. It may give you more of a life.


By the way, I didn't mean to pry. It's just that you say that a lot, but since I do not know you, I do not have any preconceptions of your lifestyle.



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