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The bottomless pit (part 5)




After working on trying to get collision detection so the platforms don't touch each other, I think I finally did it after 2 DAYS of trying. It was hard. Very hard. To aid myself, I put in a noise for each time a collision happened and the offending platform moved off screen. Aiding further were giving the platforms their each individual color so I could tell which platform was which. But I think I finally did it. This little bit of code:

colllll    movx a,@r0        ; get Y pos of sprite 0    mov r7,a    movx a,@r1        ; get Y pos of sprite 2    cpl a            ; make negative    inc a    add a,r7            ; calculate the difference    add a,#00ah        ; add offset (a sprite pixel is two lines)    add a,#0e8h        ; determine sprite distance    jc nope    mov        a,#tune_select    call     playsound        inc r1    movx a,@r1    mov a,#240    movx @r1,a           nope        ret  

Where I could just call two values (platform y variables), and just plug them into this code here. I thought for sure this would screw it up and start blinking on real hardware again, but to my surprise, it didn't.


NOW that I'm done with this hopefully, I need to think up what to do next with this game. Well, besides taking away the infinite "lives," making the platforms all green again, and getting rid of the sound. I have a jumping character in, I have the platforms, I have a treat, what now? I'm using 1,440 bytes out of a possible 2,048, so there's some more room to put some more stuff in.


My sister's family is in Hawaii right now and we're dogsitting their elderly dog again. They're supposed to come home Saturday. It's hard having 2 dogs, and I wonder how people who choose to have 2 (or more!) dogs cope. Like my sister. They put their two other dogs in a boarding kennel, so we don't have to do anything about that.

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