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Wario Land is hard.



I beat Stove Canyon. It took about 12 million tries though. The dumb boss doesn't throw the rocks needed to defeat him enough. Not only that, he destroys the platform you're standing on piece by piece. And if that isn't enough, there's lots of wide jumps. About half the time was spent dying because I didn't jump far enough. And then there were the times that I just gave up and jumped into the lava because the dumb boss didn't give me enough rocks to defeat him in time.

All this difficulty has inspired me to continue making games that aren't super hard for idiots like me who have a tough time playing video games because they make them too hard. I don't understand why I have a hard time. I have good reflexes, I'm not a bazillion years old yet.

Not only was I having a difficult time with the game, the dumb cat kept annoying me by rubbing her head against the cord that powers the SNES I was playing it on. I swear the only reason she does that is to annoy me. Of course, I wouldn't like getting yelled at, but she's so stupid, I guess she enjoys it. It took me so long to beat that dumb boss I only beat the first level of S.S. Teacup, the next world. And that was hard too.

I would have died a looong time ago had it not been for the ability to get 99 lives whenever you feel like it. That's the only thing that saves this game from an F rating. I get so emotional with video games. I guess because I grew up playing them, even though they were insanely difficult. Unfortunately, though, I can't make a Game Boy game you can "beat" due to the fact that bankswitching is impossible for me. I guess Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland was enough to sate my desire to make a game with multiple levels and have an ending.


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