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this week in shadow's life...



Well, it's time for me to organize my thought a little bit instead of throwing them out in the general board.

I've just had a bunch of stuff stolen (@!#?@ thieves). It's pretty bad when I have to keep a Q Bert cartridge around to avoid posting open profanity. I dropped one F bomb and an atomic bomb during the whole deal--pretty bad for me actually as I swore off years ago. I do retain the right to post meaningless symbols or the first letter of a word, stuff like that, but no actual vulgarity....normally.


I'm also undegoing rabies vaccinations--this makes my temperament very pleasant indeed. I wish I'd caught the thieves--I would have bitten them. I missed the globulin shots, thank goodness, and I will never ever need them in my whole entire stinking life on this blue planet they call Earth that is three rocks away from the star we call the sun but they call sol.


That dampens my joy at winning a Shining Force on ebay. I'm going to pay $22 for Shining Force: Sword of Hajya. My newly revitalized Game Gear will be getting a whole ton of use shortly. I wish Scotty were here to beam the money over, and beam the game back.


My arm hurts a little bit. Worse than the other day and I feel a fever coming on--well, a little one.


Let me say something: If you're reading this, you're obviously a little curious about me. You've read my comments about wanting to leave the planet.

In God's time, I will die, like anyone else. I view this as a transition from Earth, where we are undergoing boot camp for Heaven, to God's kingdom. I am very eager for that to happen, but I know that I must finish my time here, like I finished Navy boot camp before I went on a ship. So do not be concerned about this kind of comment--that I wish I could leave the Earth. It doesn't mean I wish I were dead--I'll never die. I'll live on through eternity in Heaven with my Creator, and oh, boy, I cannot wait!


I wrote another song last week--it just sprang out and my pastor wanted me to play it in church, so I did. I lead evening praise at a small church in south Oklahoma City. I don't lead it all--about half of it is led by others, which lets everyone share the stage and shows off very diverse music types. Sometimes, like this week, I am asked to lead on Sunday mornings.

Other times, I want to shove God's talent (the music) back into His face and tell him to leave me the crap alone. things get to the point where there is too much pressure on me sometimes--CCLI licensing, transportation costs, time constraints, getting lyrics printed, people wanting to mumble instead of shout like they're saved, people complaining about how long or short the sets are (try laying your life down for the benefit people that hate you, and then come talk to me), and it makes me want to scream.


Whatevs. Frekaing whatevs. The devil can kiss my rusty. I'm going to eat (finally--the rabies isn't killing me fast enough, so I gotta eat), and keep my @!#?@ Q Bert game handy for the next time someone really chaps my hide.


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