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Domestic problems



Well, I have had soething tougher than computer troubles just shoved into my face. I found out that the roommate I'd been trusting with over 200 a month in rent has not been faithful to pay said rent. I believe the roommate is passing my money to the landlord, but not adding enough to make the full payment with their half included.

We're over $300 behind on rent, which is well over half of what we pay, and I had no idea that this was going on.

I'd had problems with both roommates not paying bills. They would not pay for the phone/internet, and they would not pay for electricity. They always told me "Oh, I'll pay you when I get the money," and I'd never get paid anything. So I finally assigned one roommate to collect rent from everyone and turn it in when it is due. I told both of them that if the utility bills, which were in my name only, were not paid when rent came due, I'd subtract the balacne of the utilites from my part of the rent payment. This worked for about a year, until they started coming to me for the reaminder of the rent, or simply not paying anything at all, leaving me to wonder what the **** I was going to do about the eviction notice.

One of those roomates moved out. I told him flatly he was either going to pay up or be escorted out (and to the jail) by our local police. He wasn't on the lease, so that gave me a little extra leverage with him.

The other one is on the lease--a woman of almost 55. There's nothing going on--trust me. Who would want that? Besides, I'm only 30.

She was the one assigned to collect and pay rent. I found out today that she has, on average, left $30 each month unpaid since November, well before the one roommate left.

She refuses to get a regular job. She had some good ones, all of which she quit, and is now "working" in a beauty shop making little over $100 a week, and doing who knows what with the rest.

I came home, my paycheck cashed and money in hand, yesterday, to find an eviction notice. I then saw red. I was two seconds from handing over my share of our rent, when I saw that thing.

I was still PO'ed this morning when I left, too. She'd left $65 unpaid from last month, which is almost exactly what I had to withhold to cover utility bills.


She's been using one of my computers to talk to her daughter, whom she has not seen very often since birth (roughly 20 years).

I pulled the network cable from that computer this morning because I was so angry over yesterday. I also filed a 30 day notice to vacate, effective Monday, so I gotta move by the 7th of June. My roommate informed me she was putting in her notice to move tomorrow, which leaves her as the last tenant here, and thus fully responsible for damages to the apartment, unpaid rent, the whole nine yards, unless she can prove in court that I owe money for any of that (which I don't). Typically when roommates move out, the last roommate has the resposibility of collecting payments for damages, final rent, etc. from the others when they move out. Since her cats have torn the walls apart around here, I've known for a long time that I needed to not be the last one here, and I will be released from this place at least two days before she is. I have a place to go, too, if I cannot find my own. I do not plan on helping at all with rent in June, and I plan to get this internet connection terminated, along with the telephone. I can log on after hours at work, or during lunch.


Anyway, long story short, she must really have wanted to tell me she'd paid her share of the rent this month. She accused me of cutting her internet service off, slandered my to several neighbors (who didn't listen), her own daughter (whom I'll tell to shut the blank up if she ever says anything to me about this), and who knows how many others. Then she demanded I fix my own computer! I ripped the computer from its desk and walked away with it, wires still attatched. I also tried my hardest to smash the keyboard this afternoon.


Ten minutes after I got home (about 10:30 PM tonight), she cornered me between two large pieces of furniture, and made physical contact with my face. She did not hit or swing at me in any way, but she was holding something (I think it was a payment reciept) so close to my eyes that her hands were on my face.

I'm not violent (fortunately), but if pushed, I will defend myself. I called the police.


This roommate has photos and files on that computer that are very valuable to her. The computer is set up and working without internet service, right where it originally was. Before I found out what she'd done while I was gone (slandering me), I did tell her, calmly, that I was gonna leave the computer there and were were gonna think things out before we made any decisions.

Now I find out she had planned this little acid trip the whole day. She instead took one of the stupidest risks I can imagine (cornering a 215 pound person that she doesn't know very well). That's why I called the cops. I did it from the neighbors' house. They didn't come out (no one was hurt), but did give me some advice. I've blocked my bedroom door with a rather large keyboard amp. I also hauled in my six cell maglite. I'm gonna be asleep for a few hours, and I don't want no nasty surprises wakin' me up. You can tell I'm still po'ed, cuz' now my accent's a kickin' in.

I'm facin' a termination charge from the phone company, and movin' to a new apartment in this complex (talked to the manager 'bout it today) which'll cost me a hundred and fifty more a month ('cuz I don't have the roommate to help out).

Anyway, that's my blog fer now. Roommate finally lets up when she realizes I got the upper hand without bein' violent (told her I was gonna delete all her precious data within 30 minutes, and told her I'd beat her to the 30 day notice)

She got a rude shock comin' again tomorrow, too. The main modem's down due to a lightnin' storm. It'll be down til tomorrow evening, and this computer'll be deconned til then, too. F the blue one she uses--I hope it gets cooked to a crispy critter. SHe don't never unhook it anyway--she stays on the thang even durin' the worst lightnin', an if I decon the modem, she's poundin' ma door down askin' whut's wrong with it.

Still, this time it ain't my fault--I cain't control the weather. Guess she needs ta ask God to do that--any sane person would have five thousand wortha computers unhooked durin' a storm, too, and fergit how good the surge protector is. You pull the frickin plug. An' I'm 'onna do that now.

Buh bah. MAybe I'll git my regular voice back tomorrow--mine' so sore from yellin' that it's carried thru to my typin', too.

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