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Making a video poker game



So after a whole bunch of hours programming, I finally have the beginnings of a video poker game.
It took a while to get it just right. A few problems were in the way. One was that it kept giving me two king of clubs sometimes. I think I have that problem gone now. Another was sometimes it was ignoring pairs. Again, I think I have that problem gone now.

The next step in programming is to make a hand icon and make it allow players to keep cards and then redeal the cards they don't keep and then rank the cards.

I had a very hard time trying to put the code for the ranking in, but I finally made it so the cards it ranks are mine. I had to change my card getting code so that it gave me two values, one between 1-13 and another between 1-4, instead of just one that was between 1-52. This next step will be hard because I again have to make sure it doesn't give me duplicate cards.


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Since this is a Virtual Boy game, I have no idea how many bytes are taking up what.

I am using C, so I can tell you that I am using Suitnumber[0]-[4] for the suits and Cardnumber[0]-[4] for the types of cards (A-K).

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You can always create your own PRNG. The shortest one would be a LFSR, and there are other concepts if you don't have access to bit manipulation. Actually a PRNG should be part of your library, whether it is available as a ROM routine or your own code.

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