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Game Gear fun




Even though I have been semi-actively searching for new to me games for it, I have been neglecting on playing and programming for my Game Gear. Looking at the files, the last time I had done something on it was September. It seems like longer than that, though. So I went back to work on where I left off on my newer GG game: Face-It.


This time around, I put in a cookie that moves from left to right on the screen. That's it. But that took about 45 minutes because I had to design, draw, convert the cookie in code (which is easy thanks to a tool), and make it appear on the screen. The making it appear on the screen was the hardest part. Since the maximum # of colors all sprites can have is 16, I have to make sure that I don't go over that. Thankfully for me, all the junk food seems to be orange in color, which will help a lot. I want to put in different types of junk food: pizza, burgers, etc. (This would be my second game with hamburgers in it.) And all the vegetables seem to be green in color, which will help a lot as well.


So the cookie is two colors, as you can see here. It's a chocolate chip cookie. And doesn't it look delicious? Tomorrow I will attempt to make points scored by eating the cookie. In this game, you eat all the junk food and avoid eating the vegetables, all by opening and closing the mouth of the guy. Emulicious seems to stutter a little with this game, I can't tell if it's the game or my computer. I'll test it tomorrow. Which is technically today since it's past midnight as I'm writing this.


Now I must eat food because I'm hungry, and then it's off to bed. I hate sleeping. I want to be active doing, thinking, and creating stuff. My mind is hard to turn off. Sleeping wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that we have to do it every single day.


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