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Room of Doom - the return



So I figured that since the alien showing up was causing problems, making him not be on the screen all the time and be animated might make the game work better. So I got rid of the alien and instead made the guys shoot at you, which is what I was going to do later anyway. But there was still a problem: The guys shooting at the bottom when they're not there. I went to sleep. I woke up 7 hours later at 11:00pm, tried to go back to sleep, couldn't, so I decided to get up and continue working on the game.

Just a few minutes ago, I think I fixed it. Did some other minor changes as well. What is perplexing me is why this works better than the alien being on here even though it's way more code for the program to shift through, yet it doesn't cause the top of the screen to be staticy like it was when I decided to give up on it. 1514/2048 bytes used, so I have about 500 free to make changes, which I want to do, but I don't know what. I don't want the bullets to go too fast so they're impossible to dodge, but I want to have something to make the game harder as it progresses. Perhaps something that doesn't need to be animated, like a floating ghost that faces forward, that chases you around - would work better.

Anyway, I will resume work on this on Monday, or perhaps Tuesday.

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