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Yummy ants




I suppose the reason aardvarks eat ants is because that's the only thing that's around to eat, outside of plants. Anyway, I put some ants and an anthill in the game. Aaron can now eat the ants, but the ants don't do anything yet. The tongue was successfully put in, although I had a hard time getting collision detection for it because to easier make it go in the game, I copied the aardvark sprite, put the tongue in and then erased the aardvark in Photoshop. This was around midnight. I woke up at about 11 p.m. after going to sleep at about 5 p.m. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to work on the game again.


I finally fell back asleep at around 2 a.m. with the tongue successfully put in. I don't know what eating the ants should do. Give him an extra life? Have him be temporarily invisible? How many ants should it take for that special power? Also, how many points should eating an ant be? I am thinking about having each ant be 2 points and shooting down a UFO be 5 points.


To stick out Aaron's tongue, press the A button. If an ant touches it, the ants counter will increase. The tongue will stay on the screen for about 1/6 of a second and then go back into his mouth. This makes it so you can't continually have the tongue be out by holding the A button down. That would be too easy.


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