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Milestone today. I got Congo Bongo for the Commodore 64 in the mail today. It works fine, the only issue is it's really hard. If you gave me a million years to complete level 2, I don't think I ever could. Talk about a sharp increase in difficulty! Anyway, my Commodore 64 cartridge collection now stands at 10. I am puzzled over my game I was making, I have an issue where some collisions don't happen. Sometimes the fry just goes right through the broccoli. Not all the time, that's what's really odd. I tried a whole bunch of crazy stuff to try and solve it but to no avail.

Anyway, I am in the process of starting a monthly newsletter for the C64 called "Commodore 64 stuff." It will be about my adventures with the Commodore 64. The first issue will be released on Christmas when I get home if I remember. I also have to make a website for it as well. So anyway, that's what I've been doing. That and wondering if homebrew cartridges load as fast as commercial releases, like if I ever get my game made into a cartridge form, will it take forever to load or will it do it automatically?

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Cartridges don't load at all, they are allocated a slot in the memory map and are directly accessed from those addresses. For that purpose, anything you insert into the cartridge port will start just as fast no matter who made the program. Some of the very advanced cartridges do have bank switching techniques though. As long as your program is less than 16 kilobytes, it would fit on a standard cartridge which coincidentally is why RGCD is hosting a yearly 16K cartridge competition instead of aiming for 32K or 64K games.

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