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Stay Frosty, Part 10



Last time around, while visiting family for Thanksgiving, I'd implemented a preliminary starfield. I'd originally tried doing so using missile 1, but it didn't work (in Stella) so I changed it to use missile 0. In and of itself that was fine, but missile 0 was used for the melt trail so needed to be repositioned after displaying the stars. As a quick workaround I just added 2 extra scanlines to reposition missile 0, which had bumped the scanline count from 262 to 264.


Stella Debug Colors



Missile 0 Stars (orange)


When I posted about the stars, batari came back with:

We tried the starfield trick last year and the emulation is very inaccurate. Stella is only designed to emulate the exact conditions from Cosmic Ark, not the general starfield trick.

So I changed it over to use the ball and removed the missile 0 reposition. (Stella's been greatly enhanced since then and now accurately emulates the starfield trick with all objects).


Ball stars(light blue)


Star Test ROMs:

That worked, though Albert replied back with:

I just tested it on a four switch with a Commodore 1702 monitor and it matches your screenshot but it's very flickery, so much so that it's distracting.

I agreed, the problem was in order to draw enough stars I was having to flicker them at 15 Hz. After further discussion I ended up reverting to my original implementation that used missile 1, reduced flicker to 30 Hz, then used 2-copies-wide on one frame and 2-copies-medium on the other to add additional stars. Alternating copies between wide and medium solved a problem with the stars being too repetitive in their layout.


Missile 1 Stars (green)

Besides that I revamped the controls to use left-right and fire for jump, as well as added preliminary inertia.



Blog entry covers November 23, 2007

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Hi  @SpiceWare !!



thank you so much for your work like always.


I'm trying to compile this source code sf_source071123 on linux ubuntu with DASM 2.20.14


I'm using this command line to do the job:


dasm frosty.asm -lfrosty.lst -f3 -v5 -ofrosty.bin


and i get:


frosty.asm (473): error: Illegal forced Addressing mode on 'sta'.
frosty.asm (1286): error: Illegal forced Addressing mode on 'sta'.

Fatal assembly error: Source is not resolvable.


Am I doing or writing something wrong?

all it's in the same directory, vcs.h, macro.h, graphics.h, frosty.asm


ty in advance.

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@Thomas Jentzsch

wait, the horizontal reposition has a sta.wx


i have removed the x.


what has changed?

now the compiler works, must i do something to replace that x for other thing?


works the same sta.wx than sta.w with just one dummie?


i know that .w is some kind of delay.

Edited by zilog_z80a
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The problem is, that the lasted version of DASM doesn't like force operators which are repeated by the instruction (e.g. sta.wx address,x). This is a known bug which will be fixed soon. A force operator can be used to e.g change a 4 cycle ZP,x write into a 5 cycle abs,x write. And timing is crucial for a 2600 ROM, especially when it comes to positioning of a sprite.


A workaround for current DASM is to remove ",x" in "sta.wx address,x" or to revert to an earlier DASM version.

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2 minutes ago, Thomas Jentzsch said:

The problem is, that the lasted version of DASM doesn't like force operators which are repeated by the instruction (e.g. sta.wx address,x). This is a known bug which will be fixed soon. A force operator can be used to e.g change a 4 cycle ZP,x write into a 5 cycle abs,x write. And timing is crucial for a 2600 ROM, especially when it comes to positioning of a sprite.


A workaround for current DASM is to remove ",x" in "sta.wx address,x" or to revert to an earlier DASM version.


thanks so much.



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