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Borderline fun.



So I worked on Fatso 2 again today after sleeping until 1pm. I went to sleep at about 10:30pm last night, so it's no surprise I woke up as late as I did, especially with all the stress of it being Christmas and all. I added two new foods: the peanut and the dreaded pink pickle. Nothing happens if you eat the pink pickle now, but you'll lose a life from the life counter I haven't put in yet. I also added some blue borders. I figured I should put them in so the player knows how far up and down he can move the mouth.


I don't know why the borders are purple in this screenshot, they should be more blue. And with the red life number, I will have all the colors on the screen I want. I make it a point to have blue, yellow, red and green all on the screen at once if I can so the game looks really colorful.

I also don't know why I decided to return to work on this. I find it very irritating due to the page restriction errors it gives me when compiling. Especially when I can't do my little trick I made up.

    mov r0,#03dh    ; check collisions    mov a,@r0            anl a,#008h        jnz add_score_3333_page_boundary3    ret    add_score_3333_page_boundary3    jmp add_score_3

Take the preceding example. Since add_score_3 is not in the page, I had to make a tiny bit of code to tell it to jnz to a bit of code that is in the page to tell it to jmp (which has no page restrictions at all) to the section I want to go to. It is probably ugly, but it works.


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