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Last night I rebegan work on my game from December on the 2600 called "4-Mula". I was having a hard time with it. It kept wanting to give me static noises for the longest time. I stayed up past 9pm and then gave up and went to sleep. This morning, I went and worked on it again and suddenly it worked correctly. I have no idea why, I just keep trying various ways to do things until what I want to have happen happens. Not a very wise way of coding, I know, but it's the only way I know how.

Also last night, I finish and posted on the internet my first rows garden word puzzle. I know hardly anyone here would want to do it (too busy with other stuff, and Atari playing). I want to have an iPhone so I can use the app on one that solves them that someone recently made. I'd like to put this one I made here into the file type that supports it. Tried contacting the creator, haven't heard anything yet. But iPhones are ridiculously expensive last time I knew.

I wonder if I could get an old one to just use apps on and not have it hooked up to the internet or have a plan. So I could download the app with my computer and then somehow put it onto the iPhone. Or, when my computer dies, get an Apple. Can I use Apple apps on a Mac? That would be so cool. I wonder if they still make towers like my HP Pavilion I'm using right now. If not, I may have to get a Mac because I don't want a laptop.


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