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Yum Game Boy




I decided to rename "Fast Food" for the Game Boy to "Yum". A couple of things led to this decision. #1. I wanted to differentiate myself from Fast Food 64 and Wave 1 Games. To make it clear that it's a different person making this game for the Game Boy. #2. The big ugly mouth monster on the title screen. He had to go. But what to replace him with? Why not the title of the game? But what to call it? I was working on a Master System game before the computer I had it on died so I went to Game Gear programming exclusively called "Yum.". So I thought "I'll call it 'Yum'." So that's what I did.


If you want a copy of MidSpace, my first Game Boy game, I still have 7 unsold copies left. I'm charging $14 total, which is $10 plus shipping. I want to release Yum when I feel it's done, but I need to figure out when it just feels "done." And when I call it done, I'll e-mail the guy who made 10 copies of MidSpace and ask him to do the same for Yum. But I have no label. If you want to design one, it's 496 x 437 and at least 300 dpi. I'd like a good nice drawing of the mouth, and I'll paste the game's title logo behind it.



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