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Pretty label (part 3)



I really missed the first version of the giant mouth I had for the label. Last night before I went to bed, I had an idea about perhaps how to make the monster I had less jagged. Went to sleep, woke up, remembered my idea and implemented it. The idea was to go into Photoshop, and get the "anti-aliasing" option and make the background a different color. This I think reduced the jaggies on the monster. Then, I changed the background color back to white, fixed up some issues with the teeth and skin, and this is what I have now.

I hate getting up in the morning afternoon. At least I'm not in that polar vortex thing. It's 54 degrees here last time I checked. I went to sleep at about 11pm and woke up at about 1pm. I really shouldn't sleep 14 hours every day, but I can't help it. If I didn't need that much sleep then I wouldn't sleep so much, right? And if I get out of bed early, I'll be sleepy and grumpy because I'm sleepy all morning. So I don't know what to do about that.

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