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Taco SaTurday



So I spent a few hours last night trying to put a taco in the Jaguar game I'm making. Turns out I ruined the whole thing. Luckily though I had a backup from the last time I worked on it and restarted from there. I went to bed Friday with no taco, but the game wasn't broken any more.

I took my melatonin gummy at about 8pm and laid in bed for a few dismal boring hours before finally falling asleep at midnight. I did not want to get up though, but I did and tried again with the taco. I finally got a taco in the game. It took a lot of hard work to do, but I had to use the same palette as some other stuff in the game. Thus, the taco shell is yellow like the part of the bomb that is lit and the meat is some shades of brown like the poop. But in the end, it's in there now. It's a bonus item that appears at the end of the level if you do something special (what, I won't say yet. I want people to discover it.) Download the game, the link to it is in my signature.


Togepi's Adventure for the Pokemon Mini came in the mail today. That was fast. It only took 2 days to go clear across the country. But hey, now I have every Pokemon Mini game released. So no more super expensive purchases. At least for Pokemon Mini games...


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