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Golf version 10



Last night I was up all night because I wasn't tired. So I decided to work on my Golf game. I added a hole. I fixed a few things. That took a long time. I tried putting in borders, but it looked ugly so I decided against it. I tried sleeping at about 1:30 a.m. but gave up once it hit 2 a.m. That plus I thought of another idea for a hole.

So I put the hole in and now there's three holes. I broke the 2k barrier so now the game is 4k. Weird stuff kept happening, but I want it to end because I don't think I'll be putting in much more in the first 2k. Most of the hole information is in the second 2k. So I went to work fixing a few more things I found. Now the game works almost perfectly. So with that, I took a gummy melatonin at 5:30 and went to sleep.

I got about 10 hours of sleep. Woke up at about 4 p.m. I'm still sleepy though. I don't know if I should make the holes bigger. Much of my trouble of playing it is due to the fact that I have to perfectly line up the shot so a little tap would make it fall in. I'm going to make a YouTube video of the game and put it on my YouTube page.

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