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First up, I received 2 orders from Packrat Video Games that were shipped together.

  • Astronomer Limited Boxed Run. Includes Box (numbered), Box Protector, Cartridge, Manual, Insert, Refrigerator Magnet which has the same artwork that graces the front of the box. This is a 4K game programmed by Alex Pietrow. Available in either NTSC or PAL standards. For use with either a Joystick or Paddle Controller. Copyrighted 2018. When I originally placed my order this boxed edition was listed as Sold Out! The owner of Packrat said that he could send me a Limited Boxed Run copy as he had set aside some extra boxes. At some point after this the boxed edition was again available, but in limited supply. I posted about this in a previous Blog entry. I just checked and the boxed edition is again listed as Sold Out! Cost $35 + $4.50 for shipping = $39.50. If you wish to buy a loose copy, with Cartridge and Manual, the cost is $18 (not counting shipping). This game is reportedly included in the RetroN77. A viewer of my Youtube channel in Holland confirmed this to be true (shipped from the U.S.).


  • Explosive Diarrhea Cartridge + Manual. This is a 2K game. Programmed by Chris Read. Copyrighted 2014. Cost $20 + $4.50 (S & H) = $24.50. Currently this game is available in the NTSC standard only.


Both of these games from Packrat Video Games are in the http://highscore.com database.

Arriving shortly afterword came 2 home brews for the 2600 from Good Deal Games. I must say that their speed, packaging, and communication skills are exceptionally good.

  • Alien Attack Cartridge + Manual (printed on a single sheet of paper). Programmed by Edward Smith. 24 Copies were made for the April 2018 Midwest Gaming Classic. While there is nothing on the site indicating that this a reproduction copy, the Good Deal Games logo is quite evident on the cartridge label. Cost $24.75.
  • Alien Revenge! Cartridge only. The manual is available digitally. Game programmed by Edward Smith. 24 Copies were made for the April 2018 Retro Game Con. This is the sequel to Alien Attack, although their play styles are completely different. The first is a vertical shooter, while this follow-up plays, well, like an arcade game I recently saw played in an evidence video at http://highscore.com , but I'm forgetting the name of it currently. You are in command of an orbiting power station, which is square. You fire at the enemies as they come at you from all sides, including the top and bottom. Cost. $22.75.

I submitted requests at http://highscore.com for both Alien Attack and Alien Revenge! to be added. Both are now in the system there. :)


As always, I have more games coming. From Atari Age I have a (2600) multi-cart with 7 games + 6 home brews for the 2600 + 1 home brew for the 7800 + 3 Custom Reproductions for the 2600. 7 + 6 + 1 + 3 = 17. I have another order coming from Packrat, which consists of just one (boxed) game. So 18. Plus 2 games (both for the 2600) ordered via eBay consisting of 1 home brew that I've ONLY seen on eBay, and one game from back-in-the day. So 19 games total. This reminds me of a bit from the movie Clue (the first one; the good one) where the Butler and Miss Scarlet argue over the number of shots fired from the gun (and thus the number of bullets remaining).


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I am trying, but it's not easy with a Sega Genesis Game Pad, which works with this game but the 'feel' is wrong. I need new Joystick and Paddle Controllers to do well at this game.


Oh, and a game came in today. That will have to wait until my next Feeding My Atari entry. :)

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Nice pick ups. Astronomer is a great, challenging game. Try for the patch The brotherhood could always use another member. :)

Oh, and thanks for commenting. I appreciate the feedback. :)

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