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Man trapped in brick room.



At least he has plenty of bananas to eat. But he can't quite eat them just yet.

I put the man in my new Game Boy game I'm making. it took HOURS to get the movement just right because Game Boy has no automatic collision detection code. Then I decided to have 8 way movement. That took a few more hours to get right. Then I decided to have the guy's walking animation stop when the player isn't moving him. That took a long time as well. So this is what the Game Boy game looks like so far.


The 0 in the wall is the score. I guess I could make the background be present, but then the score would be hard to read. And it's 0 because I haven't got the collision detection for the banana working yet because all today's programming time was to get the wall collision correct.

I tried going to sleep but it didn't work out very well. I guess I need to take a gummy melatonin again. It's almost 3:30am as I'm writing this so I really need to get to sleep. Goodnight, world.


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