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Hole 10



Friday night I started working on making three obstacles in the game for the 10th hole. It kept making weird stuff happen, so I had to give up. Saturday afternoon I started up again. I kept working even though the weird stuff kept happening. I kept working on it all night starting at about 10 p.m. At 3 a.m. I finally made it happen. Then I went to sleep and woke up at 2:00p.m. and then my back teeth started hurting.


Yes, you can go between the two trees, but you will waste your time trying to find the right spot to do so.


The third obstacle has to be a sandtrap. It is for hole 10. This is meant as a thing to "spice up" the holes a little. And to help me make new holes. I'd need a lot more code in order for the third obstacle not to be a sandtrap, but with over 4,600 lines of code so far, I don't want to make any more code because I think what the weird stuff happening's cause was too much code for it to go through.


I thought I had everything going well, but it was noticed that the sandtrap's code was still going on even though it was not on the screen. I moved the sandtrap's locations off screen when a new game started to fix it. I must remember to do this if there is no sandtrap on hole #11.

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