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Minor changes



I won't put up a picture because it looks so similar to the previous version. Although I did add some yummy Chex pieces to the game. And I made them appear less fequently. I actually had to delete a line of code to make that happen. I called the RNG and added an "and #1" to get a number between 0-1. I just deleted that line to get a number between 0-255. And since I wanted it to appear less, I made any value above 240 the Chex piece. Since I wanted it to appear about 1/16th the time as the pretzel. And it works well. I guess I could have just made it 0-127 be a Chex piece and 128+ be a pretzel for testing, but I didn't.


I love the tune I made that plays before the game. I changed two notes to the bass part so it doesn't sound like it repeats. I changed an F# and another F# one octave higher to a D and E. I like the effect it made. Was distraught when someone mentioned a game similar to mine, but I decided to continue work on mine. Since my Game Boy version was I think made before that one. But now I have writer's block and I need suggestions on what I can add or change to what I have. Some feedback would also be good, but nobody wants to. I was surprised at the fact 25 people downloaded a version and it got only one reply.


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