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My eye hurt



So I went to get my hair cut yesterday. Afterwords, my eye was beginning to hurt, I was having an onset of an eyeache. But I went to Best Buy and got a few things. I wanted Super Mario Maker 2 but they didn't have any. Apparently it's a real popular game? So I went home and ate a couple things. but then my eye started hurting really bad and I went and vomited out in the bathroom. I had to use my mom's because my nephew stank up mine really bad. I weighed myself after. I had lost two pounds. My eye still hurt, so I went to sleep.


Got up at 2 a.m. I was cured. Sleeping usually does the trick. I don't know why. But it's supposed to be 100 degrees today and tomorrow which really sucks because it had been such a nice summer with no 100 degree days. That all went down the toilet. Like my vomit. I want to work on Frank the Fruit Fly again but I have no ideas.


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