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Celeryy kind of day.



Well, what else would you call something that is like celery? Celery-esque? Celeryian? I thought I'd go back and revisit The Adventures of the 50-foot-tall Stalk of Celery for the Atari 2600. The last time I touched it was in February. I worked on it a whole bunch and added a few things and fixed a few bugs. I think I'm somewhere close to being done. Now all it needs is a publisher. The odd thing I find about the game that since all the game's graphics get pushed to the last bank, I still have 1,449 bytes left in bank 8.


I have done a lot of testing to make sure the stuff I added back in February works in every level. I am guessing I was in the middle of doing that when I lost interest in the game. That would explain why it didn't. Like, for example, the "lost life" screen would come up if you hit an enemy, but not if the timer reached 0. And in certain levels.


I am extremely sleepy even though I slept for 15 hours last night and it's at least a couple of hours until bedtime. I was hungry, but a yoga mat Subway sandwich fixed that. Now I'm bored. And sleepy.


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