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There's a cranberry on Channel F.



So I'm back to work on Quest of the Cranberry, my Channel F game. I know, I hop around from various project to various project. Most of my projects seem to be about anthropomorphic food. I wonder if that means I'm subconsciously hungry all the time or what. Or it's just that I find that funny. Anyway, I added a password system to the game, something I said I'd do last but I ended up doing it now because I wanted to and was bored. So once you get past the screen with the heart, a blue number will pop up. That's the sequence of the number buttons to push on the title screen to end up where that particular point is.


The Channel F has no save data (does it?) so I had to do it this way. On the title screen, you press the 1 button to start the password entering part. The number you run into is 2431, so after pressing 1, you press the 2 button. Then wait for the screen to flash, then 4, then 3, then 1. So there's 24 different level combinations possible, which is good because I only had to plan to have 4 levels but I may make it 8 because I did this.


I also tidied up the code a little. So if you want to test out the newest version for yourself on MESS, visit the Quest of the Cranberry website here: Quest of the Cranberry.


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