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2k Contest



Remember those coding competitions for the 2600 (or any other console you wished) where the main goal was to have a complete game in a very small amount of space? Like 1k or 2k or 4k or something (I don't remember what the sizes were.) The games one year were all featured on one cartridge (The 2005 Minigame Multicart). Looking back now, it looks like the contest was called the "[year] minigame contest".


Well, I want to have a similar thing. So I want all of you to get some ideas for a game and then make it. Because I am going to hold a "2k 2020 Contest". That's right. I want to have a whole bunch of 2k games made by different people and judges and all that stuff. Even if I get to be the only judge, so be it. And the winner will get...something. What, I'm not quite sure yet, but the worst case scenario would be I'd have to hand out a bunch of money via PayPal.


My time working on MidSpace was the origin of this idea I had of a contest where people would make 2k games, since it's only 2k. I look fondly on getting that cartridge from AtariAge and being impressed on how the games were so small. This was waaay back at the beginning of my 2600 collecting (like 14 years ago. I can't believe how long its been.) I want to relive those days again.


Rules would be quite simple, game size would have a limit of 2,048 bytes. You don't have to use all those bytes, that'd be just what the limit is. Any game console with an emulator (So I can actually judge the games!) It'd be nice, though if it was for the Atari 2600, but it doesn't have to be. So get to work on idea brainstorming, and tell me if you want to participate. You'd have until June 30, 2020 to make it (but that date doesn't have to be set in stone.)


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