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I put a giant squid in Frank the Fruit Fly yesterday. His tentacles move up and down and you must avoid them while moving to the right. This was also a test to see if I could put 5 sprites on the screen at the same time (yes I can. The squid is part of the background and his tentacles are sprites.) It took about two hours or so to get things the way I wanted. There were a couple of times I felt like an idiot though. Like the time I discovered the tentacles not showing up was because I didn't include the correct file. Or the time I forgot to disable the fifth sprite when the title screen was reached and wondered why there was a huge line at the bottom of the screen. The game is still 149 KB. So I have a long ways to go until the 512 KB I want to reach to match the official releases. Which is the reason I put in passwords.


Although I guess I could have attempted to make a save file, but then I have no way of testing it. I don't think the Ditto mini does save files. Plus a lot of commercial games used passwords, so I probably shouldn't be ashamed I had to resort to it.



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