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Orange Ocean



How did this orange end up in the ocean? I don't know but it's there.


I added the white dots to signify (maybe) that it's an orange instead of, say, a grape or something. When I put grapes in the game, it will be a bunch of them. I enjoy working on this project. I don't know how or why, but it's the easiest assembly I've ever worked with. But sometimes the first letter of the password doesn't show up when I force it to begin to level 4. I'm hoping this is not a thing to worry about since a.) bugs like this never show up on a real Pokemon Mini and b.) I'm not going to have the final version forced to begin at level 4. Too bad it's such a hard thing to make up ideas for screens for stuff for Frank to do.


I had a hard time trying to connect an old iPod Shuffle to my computer. I went out of my room to do something else and about 30 minutes later, I walked back into my room and suddenly it had finally opened. And ants are attacking the kitchen counter, which is odd because they usually do that in the spring, not in the dead of winter. And I was surfing eBay for LPs, looking for a couple. I looked in my record collection afterwords to discover I already had one. I DO NOT remember buying it or where it came from, so I'm convinced it walked in here and put itself in my shelf where I keep them. It would explain its mintiness.


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