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Something completely different.



I took one look at that code that that compiler spewed out and it was like I was reading Greek. There was just no way I could learn all that stuff. What I did learn though was about stacks, and what pushing and popping them actually did. And I got the program that made the converted my code into Epson code. But to run it I had to install Python. So I googled Python and got version 3.8.1 on my computer. Installed it and ran the program. Success on the second try. Out came a 859 KB asm file instead of just a 158 KB asm file. The program is still only 151 KB out of my goal of 512, though.


So now here's what I'll do: Keep coding with PMAS and compile that and then take that .min file and convert it to Epson assembly with the program I downloaded that that very helpful guy gave me. But as I sat down to write this the first time, I couldn't create anything because the create button on this site wasn't working for some reason. So I sat down in the living room and watched a movie. The movie ended and then the TV broke. So I had to fix it. As it turns out it was on channel 44 instead of 3 for some reason. So after spending ten minutes fighting with my TV, I came back here and the site was working again.


There's still ants all over the place: the kitchen counter and both bathrooms. I hate mild winters. And that's why. I long for the nights where the temps dipped into the 20s instead of the 50s. Last night it was only 49 degrees when I went to sleep. That's not ant killing weather. But hey, at least I got the Pokemon Mini coding thing sorted out and there's no ants in my room...yet.


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