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An idea for Goshzilla



I couldn't get to sleep last night. I finally did at 4 or so this morning and had to wake up at 8:30 so I only got 4.5 hours of sleep. While I was laying in bed, I thought about what I could do to make Goshzilla an actual game. At 2 a.m. I had enough and went back to work on it. A few hours later I had a working 6 digit score. I also figured out something: The only time the high score needs to be updated is if someone beats it. Therefore, it can remain on there without me having to constantly update it like I did in my last Odyssey 2 games I had made. This saves a lot of computing time and frees it up for more gameplay elements.


I thought of the game play (which I haven't put in yet.) There is a one-digit timer that goes from 9 to 0 slowly. This is the game's timer. You need to constantly fry people. If you don't by the time the timer reaches 0, the game ends. In case you missed it, I put in some other elements as explained in the Odyssey 2 forum section.


So what I have to do now is:
+ Insert the timer code.

+ Insert some death code.

+ Insert some code that checks if the high score has been beaten.


What do you think? If it doesn't seem all that thrilling, I may change the whole premise of the game.


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