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Back to Frank again



I decided to quit working on Goshzilla. I decided it was too similar to Death Race. So I picked Frank back up and put him on the front burner, so to speak, on my projects stove. I had a hard time with this screen.


Since the Pokemon Mini has no object collision detection, I had to code that by hand on not only the two fish, but on the three walls as well. But it seems done for the most part, so I'm moving on. My stomach has been hurting since Christmas night and I don't know why. I need to poop a lot. Perhaps it's all the Chex Mix I got that I've been eating. Or perhaps it's the lovely bacon I ate on Christmas morning. Whatever the reason, it is really annoying. There I am sitting at my computer and all of a sudden I feel the need to poop. It happened right in the middle of the attempt to program this screen. Now I have no ideas. So I'll have to think up of something else Frank can encounter while swimming in the ocean.


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