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Music to my ears



...or rather FOR my ears. I've been listening to MIDIs of long songs. It alleviates the boredom. So does MAKING them. So does collecting them. I just finished my MIDI I had been working on of "Macho City" by the Steve Miller Band on the thirteenth. Really surprised it hadn't been done before given how old the song is. And if it has, well, I made my own interpretation of it. When it came out, I was not yet alive. So I'm always looking for a new long song to make a MIDI out of, the older and not yet done the better.


Just finished listening to "Supper's Ready" and now am listening to a MIDI of NOFX's "The Decline." I tried to make a version of it but gave up, not because it was too fast, but because I couldn't figure out the notes. Since I'm not a guitar player, I have trouble deciphering guitar notes. I do way better with piano. A million years ago, I went searching for a list of long songs. I found one. It had over 1,000 entries. Now it has way more. Its criteria for a "long song" (thus mine) is longer than 15 minutes. I've done a couple of these, and the rest I have found during my MIDI searches. They are all here. At the Long Midi page.


I've always been fascinated how people take the time to carefully reconstruct long songs and in the process make something really incredible and yet so few people even listen and appreciate MIDIs any more. Since you can stream the real thing, why listen to an imitation? Because of the work involved and, well, I'm weird.


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