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No Frosted Flakes



After getting that throat medicine, I have been choking a lot less. But there's still one thing I always choke on no matter how many times I try (or chew): Frosted Flakes. I don't know why. I can eat ham sandwiches, I can eat onion rings, but no frosted flakes.


I have diverted my attention to the Intellivision. I'll still work on my Jaguar game, but a little less than I had been earlier. My eye hurt yesterday, yet I still like a trooper went to the used video game store. A lot of new stuff, yet I came out empty-handed. Then I slept all day and woke up at 3 a.m. I don't know why, but sleep really helps with my eye aches. I guess it's onion rings for breakfast today. Yum.


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