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Quest for a walnut



So I got inspired by King Crimson's "Lizard" to make the best MIDI I could possibly make that was my own composition. I began composing this grand symphony. But it didn't have a name. So I decided to name it "a walnut." And for the cover, I decided to put on a picture of a walnut. Rather than stealing one, I decided to buy a walnut and take a picture of it. But I went to the store. I couldn't find a walnut. I mean, how could you not find a walnut at the grocery store? I guess it's not walnut season or something.


And while I was composing today I found out I can save directly to the SD card instead of saving it on my computer, which is weird because I want it on my computer AND the SD card. (Call me weird.) It's been a week since I started and I have over 7 minutes done, which, while translating to about a minute a day, I have done about 3 minutes today and none the past couple of days. Whenever I go to the grocery store, I will keep an eye out for walnuts. So I can get one so I don't have to use a picture of a walnut I found off the internet.


So the goal here is to keep adding to it and call it done when December 31 rolls around. And however long it is then is how long it will be. Unless of course, I forget about the whole thing, which has happened some times. Like the longest song I ever done ("okochobonosolobo", but that's over 100 minutes long.) I want to get Cakewalk because I have to pay extra for Anvil studio software to put in fading. So I did it the cheapskate way and changed the volume of the notes so it got quieter and quieter with each note. But why can I do that for free yet I have to pay extra for an easier way to fade notes?


And that's also while working on coding a huge game I've been working on.




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