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First Frank update of 2020



So I decided to attempt to make the screen I last worked on in Frank the Fruit Fly to be faster since Frank moves really slowly in it. I think it came out a lot better. I also went back and thought of that RNG posted in the "Elevator Events" thread to see if it could be used in Ftff. So someone was nice enough to convert the code snippet so it could be used with Pokemon Mini programming. It worked out so well that I changed the snow falling code I had from what I had before (which was a bunch of timers) to it. It also works out well.


I've been waking up at 7 or 8 a.m. lately, yet still going to sleep at about the same time. I don't know why I get really sleepy at about 2 or 3 p.m. It just suddenly hits and the urge to sleep just violently attacks and won't let go until I sleep. This was really bad yesterday as I had to sleep on the couch until Mom got home at 5 p.m. to keep the dog company.


Check out Frank the Fruit Fly if you haven't already. It's a shame I have to use passwords, but hey, at least all your battery saved progress in all your other Pokemon Mini games won't be taken over.


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