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Timer time



So I got to thinking when I was playing "Skiing" by Activision, how did they put in a hundredth of a second timer when I assume the game is only 60 fps. In order for it to keep track of it, wouldn't it need to be 100 fps? Sooo, I went to Stella's debugger and found the answer. When programming the timer in, they skip some numbers! For example, it is impossible to have a time ending in .49 seconds because the game skips that number and goes from .48 to .50. I find that odd, but it needs to be done that way, I guess.


That got me to thinking about other games using a hundredths of a second timer. Like my old favorite game Super Mario Kart. I wonder if it uses the same tactic (like I can find the ROM for Super Mario Kart anywhere without spambots installing viruses on my computer!)


So in my game I am planning to use just tenths of a second. This makes it actually work without skipping digits. I just have a timer count to 6 and once it reaches it, update it from, say, 0.0 to 0.1 seconds. Then when it reaches past x.9, take care of adjusting the digits (seconds and minutes) accordingly. I am assuming that the Jaguar games run at 60 fps, and 60/10 is 6, so that's how I got that number.


I just got up a few hours ago. I took a melatonin gummy since I was having trouble falling asleep last night and started sleeping at about 10p.m. and didn't wake up until about noon. It's supposed to snow this week. Well, 60 miles northward, not necessarily here. Since all our news comes from Portland and Salem doesn't have any local news. Well, we have a crappy daily paper, and a radio station, and a crappy independent TV station, but that's it. I always wanted to take over that TV station and turn it into a "UHF" (the movie)-style thing where I make it all zany. But I think he wants it to be crappy and have hardly anyone watch it.


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