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HERTS2 resurrected



So after a whole bunch of hours spent working on my game I gave up on, I think I have it in a playable state where it won't crash on you. It does, however, still show the number 4 and a little bit of garbage, but that's out of the range of the Game Gear screen (so that's mainly why I make Game Gear games instead of SMS games, I don't know why garbage tiles come up!) The problem was collision detection outside the Game Gear's visible screen.


I have made a boss. You must shoot the boss 20 times to advance while it shoots 4 onion rings at you. Shooting the onion ring or touching them causes you to lose a life. Shooting the onion ring being bad came out of necessity because of how the collision detection works. I can't change it.


Some of the problems I was having included the small onion rings that the boss milkshake shooting at you were in the wrong x position. In order to not cause a collision, they couldn't overlap. They were. So I fixed it. Also, I got a thread stuck in driver error message while testing, and the computer reset. I guess my computer is getting old, I've had it for 4 years. I keep wanting to get a Mac when this one dies, but I don't know whether I'd be able to continue work on all my projects. So I guess I'm stuck with Windows.




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