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Stomach aches.



I tried. Last time we left Frank the fruit fly, a whale ate him. I was going to have a screen of Frank going through the digestive system of the whale. But I had to give up because it was too complicated. So before I went to bed, I thought of an idea of a screen: Why not just skip the digesting and go right to the whale pooping Frank out? I woke up the next morning and began coding. A few hours later, I had my other screen finished. It's too bad I couldn't do the idea of the other one. What angers me is I did something similar with a bunch of walls in level 2, but I couldn't duplicate it here.


In this screen, Frank dodges the poop that the whale poops out. It's not a very challenging thing, but the poop will track Frank down as it makes its way to the right side of the screen. When the poop gets there, the whale does it again. And over and over again. Part of me wanted to have Frank move slow so he would have to get hit at least once, but I ultimately didn't put it in. I've been working so hard on this and other stuff that I forgot to update the player's guide. So I'll go do that.


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