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A different cranberry



So all this working on games involving cranberries made me think of the one I started on the Odyssey 2. The reason I quit working on it is because it wasn't very exciting. But I had an idea for it: Make a track that has randomly generated obstacles. So I worked. All night I worked. I figured out how to make it so that I can have tracks of different lengths without extra code. I was having trouble using the joystick to select a track number. So I decided to move that to the keyboard. I spent a few hours trying to get it working. I finally got it working on O2EM. But that doesn't mean it worked on real hardware.


I got out my Odyssey 2 from the garage at about 6 a.m. My game didn't work. So I worked with the Homer emulator which is more faithful to the Odyssey 2 except it is horribly slow and I don't know why. It took a few MORE hours, and I finally made it work on a real Odyssey 2. I have room for data for 3 more tracks of various lengths along with the random one and keep it 2k. I have around 500 bytes left.


I tried to make it so ENTER starts the game, but I just couldn't get it working. I don't know what ENTER's value is. The documentation isn't very clear. So I made it to press 6 to start. I spent a total of about 8 or so hours on the game last night. And now I need to go to sleep. I will do so a few hours from now. And I still don't know how to make a random track, but I figure I wouldn't need much more room to make it work.


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