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Zyx - running Zyx



Last time I looked at the Zyx code, the Running Zyx game was effectively broken. After a few hours this morning, trying to take my mind off of the fact that I had to not eat for my blood test, I finally made it work again. I added a vut that comes running at you from the opposite direction. In the end, you'll have to avoid the vuts and get the bananas. If you get hit by a vut or miss a banana, you'll lose a life. The game speeds up every ten bananas you get until it is at its fastest speed at 6, or after 60 bananas.


I will add the life counter back. It's gone because I was originally going to make this a one-hit and die game, but then I decided that since the rest of the games in the program have lives, that this one should too. Zyx is the red creature with his mouth continually chomping. The vut is the blue creature. And of course, the banana to get.


I solved the problem in an odd way. Since the Zyx kept disappearing, I decided to make duplicate layers of Zyx, the vut, and the banana so they are always in front of the background. The scrolling background is actually two pictures (two layers). I still don't know why I had to do this, but I did, and the most important thing is, it works. I still have a bit of coding left to do, but I think I can manage to cram it into a 2 MB cartridge size, seeing that I've added all the images and sounds needed. All that's left is coding.

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the scrolling background SHOULD be 2 pictures. Both 352 pixels wide and both side by side in order to create a true scrolling effect. I just played your build from this morning and noticed a slight lag in the scrolling. Is this background 4 bit or 16 bit color? also is there something we can't see active underneath/behind the background? Changing the background to 4 bit and making sure those 2 background pics are the only things there and moving can help eliminate that lag

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