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A walnut.



I don't know if I posted anything about this, but I was finally able to buy a bag of walnuts. Problem is, I had to buy the whole bag. I thought I liked walnuts, so I began to open them and eat them after taking a picture of one. After about eating 5 or so walnuts, I quickly began realizing I hated walnuts. Too bad there's nowhere you can buy just one walnut. I decided to split my giant "A Walnut" song into parts after it became clear that one 159-minute long song was too long to listen to all in one sitting. I mean, nobody's gonna do that, right?


So part 1 is 27 minutes long. It is here. It is in MIDI form. I converted the MIDI to MP3 using this site. (It tells you to tell your friends about it, so that's what I'm doing.) I began working on it December 31 and finished it on February 27, so it took about 2 months of on and off (mostly off) time of composing it. Basically what I'm trying to do is make a song longer than Klaus Schulze's "Picasso Geht Spazieren" which takes up 2 CDs. It's about 154 minutes of almost 160 minutes allotted. I want to beat that time for a song, although there are a few songs a lot longer (like that 24-hour long song).


So I took a picture of a walnut. I composed part 1. I couldn't go to sleep, so I began work on part 2, even though it wasn't March 1 yet. I have an extra day to work on it because of Leap Day and because I want to finish it by December 31. My plan is to make a part about 26-27 minutes long every couple of months. That way 26x6=156. It takes about 45 minutes to compose 2 minutes' worth. And I couldn't go to sleep last night so I fiddled with my record player. I listened to UFO's "Flying" song, which is groovy. I wanted to make it an MP3, but I could only get mono to work. I guess either it's a mono record or I'm too stupid to figure out stereo.


But enough about that. I haven't been in a very good mood lately. I hope to change that with BACON. But in order to eat the bacon, I have to go to my sister's house. I haven't decided yet whether I'll attempt to put the bacon on a burger or not because my last 10-hour-long choking fit back in November was because I tried to eat a left over hamburger of hers. But I've been taking this lovely drug that had worked wonders...until it was pulled off the market because some idiot discovered if you heat it up it causes cancer. So I had to switch to Pepcid AC.

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