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So I woke up to discover that there were ants crawling all over the kitchen counter. Barf. Right now it's a quarter past 8 p.m. and I'm sleepy. I just finished discovering I have no idea how to return a random value in Channel F programming. So I spent a few hours making this:


All the fly does is flap his wings and move diagonally around and if he touches a border reverses course. And I spent two hours on it. I'm going for a Mario-Paint fly swatting type game. I was going to do this for the Game Boy but I decided to move it over to the Channel F instead. I am wanting to make a trio of games involving bugs and calling it Bugs! but I don't have any ideas for the other two games. In case anyone wants to know how I did this, I've posted the source code here. And now I will stop for today since it's almost 8:30 p.m.


I successfully ate two burgers last night with bacon and the only time I choked was because I had a piece of onion in my throat. So that's good.



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