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Flies - title screen



So I spent a few hours making a title screen for the Channel F fly game.


The fly is flapping his wings here. But I've had the worst time trying to get the fly's position to be random when you press fire to start. It always is at the same place. I worked on it some more this morning. While I was working, there was this stupid nosehair that started bugging me. So I went to the bathroom and I pulled it out. It was a white nosehair. I've had white nosehairs before, it's just a sign telling me I'm not a kid any more, even though I feel like one.


Anyway, it's been horrible. I can't figure out what is going wrong with this program. All of it had been going wrong. I designed a title screen and it wanted to make the white part blue. The reason was the white part wasn't the correct shade of off-white used to make Channel F white. So I fixed that. But I'm still having trouble with randomness. So yeah, I'm still not in a good mood.


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