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Return of the burgers



So someone on SMSPower forums was kind enough to help me and discovered my problem. So I was able to fix it. That's great. Now I can continue work on it. I worked on it for a few hours this morning. The light bulb in my room burned out, and it's a special one, so we have to go to Lowe's, which their website surprisingly said was open. Now we just need to find a time to go, which is hard since it's nephew sitting time since school is out.


I fear though that I may have made the game too hard for myself. It took me lots of tries for me to start and complete level 2. I started the game on level 2 because that's the level I was working on. So I got all the bugs ironed out and the only thing that's left to do in level 2 is to compose some music for it.



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