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It's April 1.



I've been sitting here in the dark for about a week now. I've been up all night and asleep all day so I can't get to go to Lowe's to get that special light bulb I need. Mom brought down a lamp from the attic that looks like it's a million years old, but it still works, so I've been using that to light up the room.


To keep myself busy and to keep me from not go insane, I have been working on my various projects still. I have begun a new one from my love of crossword puzzles. I plan to make a new one every month. I'm working on June's. And also I have been working on my various gaming projects. I took some time to play Bug for the Sega Saturn I got in the mail. It's too hard. Why did they feel the need to make it too hard? I "game over"ed on the second stage of level 2. I also got out my Master System, just out of boredom and curiosity to see if it still works after being in the cold garage all winter. Yes, it works.


Well, right now it's officially Midnight on April 1 here. So there.


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