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So I noticed that there was an ugly brown that showed up taking up the entire screen when switching between screens. I looked at the color palette in Emulicious's palette displayer and saw what color it was switching to. To change it to black, I had to change the palette in all the sprites I was using. I always hate using GIMP because it takes like 3 minutes to open it up because it's looking for fonts I don't use. So anyway, once that was done, I successfully got rid of the ugly brown. Now it's black, a much more expected color. I also did some other stuff, like changed the milkshake types to strawberry and chocolate. Now all that's left to do is compose some music for the level and put it in there.


Had a hard time getting up this morning. Finally went to sleep at about 7:30 p.m. and woke up at 7 a.m. But I wanted more sleep. So I got up and moved to the couch and slept an additional 4 hours.


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I misread that when I woke up couple hours ago as, ugly bacon.  I was thinking that was a new enemy you put into this game.

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