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Red cranberries



It's a fact. You know it, I know it. Cranberries are red. The Virtual Boy can only display the color red. Since it had been an awwwwwfully long time since I did any Virtual Boy programming (My Virtual Boy is tucked away in the corner of the den just waiting to be used again), I decided to attempt to make the title screen to Craig the Cranberry better. One of the main things I disliked about the screen was that there was no indication that the cranberry was rolling along. In fact, he was just sliding along. So I thought I'd make a dot of light on him to better indicate that he was rolling along. I must have spent an hour trying to get the dumb dot moving correctly before giving up in anger.


So then I came back to it. I had a new idea: Instead of having just one cranberry and one dot of light that I couldn't get moving correctly, to just animate the cranberry using frames of animation. All of the cranberry with the dot of light in a different place. Sure it wouldn't look as good as if I had the dot move on its own, but I couldn't program it at all. So that's what I did. The cranberry rolling animation is in the game. I actually made something work. Craig can now roll left and right on the title screen. The next thing I want to have him do is jump. But that's a challenge for tomorrow.


This version of Craig is going to be a platform game like Virtual Boy Wario Land. I figure the VB needs more of them. Mainly because that's the only platforming game I can think of that actually has the things you'd expect in a Mario game. I wonder what happened to that Mario demo that was Mario-like and had Mario in it. Probably just turned it into VB Wario Land. Since I learned how to scroll the screen from the Insecticide debacle, I figure I can do this. Adding holes and platforms and enemies and stuff. Just scroll them in. So that is the next phase. I'll look at my old GoSub code to see how I did wall hit detection.


So here's what it looks like now.


I'm going for a Kirby 64 vibe here.


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