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So last night was horrible. I spent a few hours trying to get rid of a 2-pixel line that showed up in the upper left side of the VB, but only on the title screen (and not on emulation). After trying various things and having nothing work, I decided to just cover it up with a hole. The same hole I use as the hole in the ground in the game. Then I went to sleep for a long time which seems to become normal. After sleeping at least half the day away, I woke up and continued work on the game.


I made a block. I purposely made it so high up in the air that Craig can't sit on it, yet low enough that he can hit it from below and have something come out of it. In this case, it is a can of cranberry juice in this i-block (as I call them. The i stands for item.) Tested on real hardware, it still works great. At some point though I am going to call level 1 done and then go on and design level 2.


This is how all the i-blocks are going to be since I don't want semi-needless code cluttering up the game. Does Craig really need to sit on the i-block? Of course not. So why make him be able to? The next thing I want to do is make an intro screen for each level. But first I need to take a few days off on working on this game.


The Virtual Boy Discord seems even less active than the Pokemon Mini Discord. You'd think more people would own and thus talk about Virtual Boy, but I guess not.


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