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Level intro



I drew a picture of what I wanted the level intro picture to look like. I draw ideas on paper. Some ideas I have aren't implemented in the game yet. Like today's idea I got about some enemies I haven't put in the game yet. Chad and Chuck are a couple of cherries. I figured if they look like legs (like I drew them) then they should move like legs. But anyway, back to what I was saying. I put a level intro in the game.


This is it. The stage number and location can be changed because it's text. I suppose I could have made it all text, but I didn't want to. I figured if I could make some fancy letters then why not? I also made the junk that appears for a split second after pressing Start go away. Now it's better looking. I know I said I was going to take a few days off from the project but I just wanted to see if I could do this before I did. Version 15 is on the Craig the Cranberry site now.


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