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2,600 killer bees.



That is a lot of Killer Bees. While trying to figure out a simple project for the Atari 2600 I could do, I settled on the classic Odyssey2 game "Killer Bees!" I spent all day working on it. I woke up this morning and began work on it. About half an hour ago, my computer wasn't responding so I turned the whole thing off and back on again. It's working now. And so is the title screen for Killer Bees! Since the Atari 2600 has no built-in font, I decided to make it resemble a font. Didn't do very well on that front, but it's working great now. I was having so much trouble with the rainbow effect because it was all slanted and bent, but I got it working okay now. The next step is to play Killer Bees to see what I do in the game. I think the score in the game is 4 digits if I remember right. I never did play it much. So I need to figure it out and then make a 2600 version of it.


Here is the title screen which I was having trouble with until it magically transformed into what I was envisioning. I added the sounds of killer bees on the title screen. Well, as close to a hive of bees as the Atari 2600 can get. Just so it wasn't silent.



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